We know it’s time consuming and tedious to scour market guides for children’s writers, so we’re doing it for you!

We look for publishers who accept “over the transom” submissions—that is unsolicited queries and/or manuscripts for books and magazines for children. We also look for publishing houses and editors who do not require the writer to have an agent.

So take a look at the leads below that we have compiled just for you. 

Note: You should be aware that publishers vary in how they want manuscripts submitted.

Some require email attachment. Others require that you upload to their site, and some houses still want paper submissions by snail mail. You can see all the details on their sites.

For optimizing your chances of getting your submission accepted, be sure to get our workbook. We can help you fine-tune your manuscript or help you get that idea from your head out onto paper (or computer screen.)

Write a Marketable Children Book – Not Your Typical How-to-Write Guide by Shirley Raye Redmond & Jennifer McKerley

We teach you how to target the market and plot guides for fiction and give you story arc guides for nonfiction. That’s just an example, though, of what you’ll find in our easy-to-follow manual. (See more details below or go directly to our website.)

Compiled Publisher List

Charlesbridge Publishing: Does fiction and nonfiction board books, picture books, early readers, middle grade fiction and nonfiction (ages 8–12). Also, young adult fiction and nonfiction (ages 12+). Charlesbridge.com Click on “About” then “Submissions.”

Kane Press: Open to fiction and nonfiction series proposals, book series that bring alive problem-solving skills, history, geography, math, civics and culture. astrapublishinghouse.com Click on “Kane Press” under “Imprint.”

Chronicle Books: Interested in fiction and nonfiction for children of all ages, as well as board books, decks, activity kits, and other unusual or novelty formats. chroniclebooks.com Scroll down to “Submissions.”

Creston Books: Publishes fiction and nonfiction; picture books, picture book biographies, informational picture books, early readers, middle grade and young adult. Rhyming texts must read seamlessly. crestonbooks.co Click “Contact” to see “Submission Guidelines.”


Flashlight Press publishes fictional picture books. Go to flashlightpress.com and click on “Submissions” for details.

GIBBS SMITH does nonfiction picture books, middle grade readers and activity books. Go to gibbs-smith.com. Scroll to bottom of page to “Submissions.”

FAMILIUS publishes boardbooks, picturebooks, interactive books and more. Go: familius.com. Click on “About Us” then “Work With us.” 

Holiday House does fiction and nonfiction from picture books to young adult for the school and library markets. Go to holidayhouse.com and click on FAQs then click on “How Do I Submit?”

Hopewell specializes in new fiction and classic reprints. They occasionally do nonfiction. Go to hopepubs.com and click on “Contact” then the “Submissions” page.

Group Publishing does trade paperbacks, devotionals, workbooks and stories that reflect Biblical principles. Go to www.group.com and click on “About” at the bottom of the screen then on “Writer Submissions.”

More publisher leads here...

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